Friday, May 16, 2008

Hubby Tag

1. What's his name? Jared Pete Smith
2. How long have you been together? Married almost 6 years
3. How long did you date? 8 whole months!
4. Who eats more? Jared, we call him the human garbage disposal.
5. Who said "I love you" first? I think I did? I think I was talking in my sleep?
6. Who is taller? Jared
7. Who sings better? The kids and I all voted and Jared is not allowed to sing!
8. Who is smarter? Jared in some things and me in others.
9. Who does the laundry? We both do:)
10. Who does the dishes? We both do again:)
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
12. Who pays the bills? Jared, I procrastinate to much.
13. Who mows the lawn? The lawn guys!!!! Although I love yard work:)
14. Who cooks dinner? I do since we all would like to live!!!
15. Who drives when you are together? Mostly Jared
16. Who is more stubborn? I am for sure!!!!
17. Who kissed who first? That's a long funny story.....
18. Who asked who out first? Jared asked me
19. Who proposed? Jared
20. Who is more sensitive? Me for sure.
21. Who has more friends? I think we are pretty even since they are all married to awesome wives!
22. Who has more siblings? I got him by 3
23. Who wears the pants in the family? I think we each have a leg, maybe Jared just has a half of a leg.


Christina Huling said...

very funny, and makes me miss you guys even more!

tyson said...

That was nice of you to say Jared wears half of a leg, I thought it would be lucky for him to even look at the pants once in a while.

RSP said...

After being apart for three weeks, Tyson shaves his head and says he now wants a hummer. I have thus been calling him GI Joe ever since. He looks absolutely ridiculous. I totally appreciated the comment.

RSP said...

Yes, you can just live at Disney World. I've done it and will hopefully do it again. I am always up for it if we can ever work out the timing;)

Unknown said...

Ok, you cant have the same blog background as your sister.